Are pikas disappearing from the Southern Rockies?
2008 – Liesl and her Colorado Parks & Wildlife collaborators visited 69 sites in Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico.
All these sites had pikas before 1980, and their goal was to figure out how many sites still had them.
It turned out that 65 of these sites (94%) still had pikas. (See above map.) This was much better than the ~60%
occupancy found around the same time in the Great Basin, so the team was happy!
2011 – After analyzing the data from those 69 sites surveyed in 2008, some clear patterns emerged.
Water is key. Pikas had disappeared from 4 of the driest sites in Liesl’s study area.
At some sites with low precipitation (rain and snow), pikas were able to survive thanks
in part to sources of water under their rock habitats.
In general, sites with pikas were wetter and cooler than sites without pikas.
Pika Results