K-5 Lesson Plans
Build a Pollinator: Bee and Flower Anatomy (Grades 3-8)
This is a fun way to explore pollination and the complexity of the relationship between the flower and the pollinator. Students will learn the anatomy of a flower through (fake) flower dissection, learn about the anatomy of a bee, and create their own bee out of art and craft supplies. Looking at simulated flowers they can reflect on what draws the pollinator to the flower, how the pollinator accesses its reward, and how the pollinator collects pollen while visiting the flower.
Food Webs: What a Tangled Web We Weave (Grades 4-8)
This new twist on a classic activity teaches students about the importance of species such as pikas and prairie dogs in their ecosystems.
Pika Survival in Summer and Winter Habitats (Grade 4)
This lesson plan focuses on how a pika is able to survive in both summer and winter habitats. Students will identify suitable habitat for pikas using prior knowledge of Colorado geography and discover that pikas are only found in alpine regions of Colorado. A pika’s sensitivity to temperature is explored by understanding how behavioral adaptations help a pika survive in both hot and cold environments.
Glaciers on the Move: Build Your Own Glacier (Grades K-8)
In an inquiry base activity, students learn about how glaciers move by observing how a "flubber" glacier slides down a tiny mountain valley. While honing their observation skills, they will learn how slope and basal conditions (roughness of the ground surface) affect glacier movement.