Museum Collections
Dr. Joseph Cook is a Professor of Biology at the University of New Mexico. He also acts as the Curator of Mammals and the Curator of Genomic Resources at the Museum of Southwestern Biology. Dr. Cook has a PhD in Biology from the University of New Mexico, where he studied the rapid chromosomal evolution and the systematics of the Bolivian tuco-tucos (Rodentia: Ctenomyidae). His main research interests are in biotic conservation, historical biogeography, molecular and morphological evolution, and the systematics, speciation, and natural history of subterranean mammals.
Click here to learn more about Dr. Cook and his research
Dr. Rick Williams is a Professor of Biology at Idaho State University. He is also the Curator of Botany at the Ray J. Davis Herbarium. His research examines the interelationships between plant ecology and population genetics, and how these in turn influence the evolution of plant reproduction. In this regard he studies things like how differences in fruit and seed morphology affect dispersal and gene flow, how pollinator behaviors differ in relation to flower and inflorescence size or density, and how this in turn affects plant outcrossing rates, etc. Most projects involve both a field and laboratory component. Much of the field work currently takes place at The Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, near Crested Butte, Colorado.
Click here to learn more about Dr. Williams and his research